Freak Peak Performance 203

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Our objectives for this course are…


1.      To introduce you to a program that helps you increase the amount of joy/happiness in your life.

This better make me happy otherwise I’m deducting joy & happiness from your personal meter/account.

2.      To introduce you to an advanced model of self-sabotage based upon the idea that self-sabotage occurs when you are not feeling totally joyful for no reason at all. Can you think of a better way to lead your life than to go for being happy for no particular reason whatsoever?

I’m against it. What if I get too happy and it spirals out of control? When the characters in a film walk off into the utmost happiness the film ends and the screen fades to black. That part often scares me and if I was to set the bar for nearly limitless happiness what else would I do? I think that’s why film directors choose not to show what happens next.

3.      To help you gain some understanding of WHO YOU REALLY ARE!

Now, you’re starting to get pushy.

4.      To introduce you to your happiness threshold. You have actually set a limit on your happiness. But once you recognize it, you can start to raise that threshold higher and be happier. Would you like that?

This doesn’t sound like the best idea you’ve had. Couldn’t I just suffer more so it seems like I’m happier when environmental conditions return to a general everyday level?

5.      To help you discover the hidden parts that block your happiness and hold you back.

Are you blocking my happiness? How am I going to get on this happiness track when you’re hanging around telling me I could be happier?

6.      To help you learn how to embrace and then release the thoughts/beliefs that do not serve you and that block your happiness.

I’m not paying for that!

7.      To help you trade from a state of being in the flow in which you can respond to the market directly rather than the thoughts in your head.

Oh, so now you’re implying I can make money?

   8. To help you meet and network with some inspiring people who have a lot in common with you.

But didn’t you just finish telling me that I’m a horrible thinker and on the wrong track to happiness in life? So no, I don’t want to be surrounded with horrible people like myself.

   9. And to provide a six week follow up program for you to begin to apply what you have learned at the workshop.

Dude, I’m not going to that silly thing.

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