The school of vague investing

The media, financial press, and self-help investment promoters tout making investments as a natural life experience/expectation like brushing your teeth. The decision not to invest isn’t part of their thought leadership. The concept of not investing isn’t part of their self-help dialogue. Experiencing the stock market isn’t appropriate for everyone, and this is where these self-appointed experts failed to aid the public.Losie Orman and Robert Kiyosuckie aren’t going to bail you out… they told you to get into investments even when the timing was bad, they were caught off guard by the severe decline in the stock market in 2000 and in 2008 they had no sense that it was artificially high, and that a severe decline could happen again. Why would anybody listen to them now? What can they say… hang on? We already know how Losie handles it, “Look at what you have, not at what you had” – okay lady, that was after 2000-2001, you still telling them that? Why do people buy stocks? Well, somebody told them to. They got their expectations from somewhere, right? When I was a child I never thought, “I want to buy stocks when I grow up.”

Dream about stocks Why do people buy stocks?

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