Ten roads to riches

Not a great book, but it can be summed up as follows:1.    Start a business (the richest road!).
2.    Become CEO of a company.
3.    Work with/become a sidekick to a successful visionary and ride along.
4.    Turn celebrity status into wealth, or wealth into celebrity status and then more wealth.
5.    Marry someone very rich.
6.    Steal – legal theft, not by force.
7.    Use other people’s money (OPM) – knowing very wealthy people opens up possibilities.
8.    Invent a revenue stream (not about being an inventor but linking/grabbing on to an idea and executing it to bring cash-flow).
9.    Make use of unrealized real estate wealth.
10.  Save money, and somehow invest it well over and over.
Nothing really new to speak of and there are more established books about wealth (for example see How to be rich on this website) and about how billionaires went along the path toward wealth creation. The Ten Roads book is comprised of stories about rich people, and it could be interesting if you enjoy history, but reading stories about rich people doesn’t make the reader rich. What the book misses, the point almost all these kinds of books miss is that wealth is created from elements that we don’t understand yet, and that imbalance helps create wealth, so looking backward for ideas doesn’t help you become the next Google (an immensely profitable business model platform that didn’t even exist ten years before the founders started). Online social networking is a great business, but nobody knew it was going to be a mega-business until the market responded.****Update**** 3/3/09
Here’s an example of what I mean. This article from Forbes discusses teenagers that somehow began businesses that made them wealthy at a young age. Here is another Forbes article. When it comes to making money, it sometimes pays the most money by ignoring business and marketing guru books. Fail enough on your own until the market responds. Books are about ideas; wealth is determined by market response.

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