Go green, live rich (part 2)

Turn off the tap: 2 gallons of water wasted per minute while brushing teeth.5 to 10 percent of U.S. homes lose 10 gallons of water a day through leaks; less than 1 percent of water is available for drinking use.Go low flow: The toilet uses the most water in your home. Save $72 a year just in your bathroom, and conserve 9,200 gallons of water.Lawn care – reduce the amount of water used by leaving grass clippings on the lawn because the clippings retain moisture that will be absorbed into the lawn.Containers and packing make up 31 percent of municipal waste, 80 million tons in 2006.Bring your lunch to work.Plastic bags (Ireland has saved 18 million liters of oil since 2002 by reducing the production of plastic bags 90 percent.)Eat less meat.Grow your own food.Use recycled paper products.The average adult gets 41 pounds of junk mail a year.Turn off office lights and computers.Think before you print.Telecommute.

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