8 fool proof steps to financial peace of mind (7 of 8)

Here’s a funny thing about business and how we spend our time on income producing activities. We can narrow the field and avoid a lot of nonsense by simplifying to three guidelines for making money in business:

Do what makes money now.

Do what makes money soon.

Do what makes money later.

If you are feeling financial pressure, and things are falling to pieces, the combination of these activities may lead to buffering your financial downturn. Of course, a solid savings account specifically for this purpose will bolster financial peace of mind when things aren’t so well. If you want to remain in business, you can’t ignore the logic in doing the thing that makes money first. For traders, this might be an income producing option position, or a covered call play, which can act as a breakeven if the stock declines, etc. Some positions we may build up because we feel they will be valuable later on and at some distant point we cash out with an income from it. The point is, if the bulk of your activities are not spent on income producing activities, you won’t be prepared when less favorable conditions emerge.

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